A Joint Statement on the Removal of LGBTQ+ Displays in Greenville County Libraries

GREENVILLE, SC – On June 22, 2022, we learned the Greenville County Library Board of Trustees demanded any displays in public libraries commemorating Pride month be removed by the end of the day. Moments after word got out, the Board canceled its upcoming meeting for the month of June. The Board’s action attempts to stifle the persistent resilience of Greenville’s LGBTQ+ community. The Board’s response demonstrates a cowardly unwillingness to be held responsible for their actions. This is antithetical to democracy; we would hope that Greenville’s elected and appointed officials hold a strong belief in processes that allow their constituents to be heard.

We believe libraries are an invaluable teaching tool. They allow readers to draw connections between the past and present. They allow people who are constantly bombarded with discrimination and political attacks to see themselves in positive representations and others to gain a deeper understanding of the world. Unfortunately, it seems that the hatred that is being peddled at the national and state level is sadly finding a few champions amongst Greenville officials. This hatred has no place in our community.

Victoria Slessman, who resigned from the Simpsonville Branch, had this to say about Pride displays being removed: “I'm so passionate about this, because I personally know how important this support is. For myself, for my friends – we are fighting to protect the freedom of our marginalized community to find the support they need.”

We learned this decision was reversed today, June 23, and pride materials were to be put back. However, we believe this reveals a larger problem at the Greenville County Library System, and we call for the Board of Trustees and the Greenville County Library system to make the following immediate changes:

  1. Form an LGBT+ task force of all levels of library employment to review GCLS internal policies related to discrimination and form a new diversity statement that explicitly protects patrons and employees from discrimination on the basis of sexuality and gender identity.

  2. Audit the LGBT+ collection to determine the scope and percentage of LGBT literature.

  3. A renewed commitment to documentation and any requirement to remove materials and displays to be internally documented.

  4. Allow Greenville County Library System employees to include their pronouns in their email signatures if they choose.

Furthermore, we call for Greenville County Council to commit to appointing an LGBT+ person to the board of trustees upon the next board seat opening.


Caroline Caldwell

Tyler Prescott

Josh Malkin

For media inquiries, email communications@upstatepridesc.org